The ICCA has curated many resources for our chess coaches by our chess coaches. We've assembled the various resources on the following pages:
A collection of links to other chess websites, equipment suppliers, organizations, and more.
Printable documents including match score sheets, notation sheets, rulebooks, and more.
A listing of all the chess clocks commonly found around Illinois with pros/cons, price ranges, and links to user manuals and videos on how to use them.
A page with printable lessons, manuals, and suggested resources that coaches and players can use to teach and learn chess.
A page dedicated to helping coaches host an ICCA tournament.
It contains setup information, personnel recommendations, and anything else someone would need to organize an ICCA chess tournament.
A page for coaches and teams new to chess or just new to Illinois chess.
An archive of all past ICCA newsletters.
A source for files needed to Direct ICCA Tournaments including Player lists, Team lists, signs, and more.